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The Robert C. Martin Clean Code Collection. Robert C. Martin
ISBN: 0132911221, | 884 pages | 23 Mb
The Robert C. Martin Clean Code Collection Robert C. Martin
Publisher: Prentice Hall
(Both quotes from Robert C.Martin: “Clean Code”, Boston, MA,2009) And we can use java's own Collection#contains() method for that (which, internally, iterates over the collection and uses .equals to compare each item). Martin has teamed up with his colleagues from Object Mentor to distill their best agile practice of cleaning code. In Clean Code, legendary software expert Robert C. You equip yourself with the list of heuristics and sniffer over the code for bad smells. The first thing the interviewee did at one point was to dutifully type out a brief javadoc . Applying more discipline than chaos will almost certainly help." Martin Fowler Developers don't like to reveal the secrets of big requirements documents and collect information from various sources before they start to code. Martin was very accurate naming those symptoms of rotting design as Viscosity, Rigidity, Fragility and Immobility. "In today's environment, the most common methodology is code and fix. Early understanding of requirements and choice of architecture are key to managing Robert C. Give enough efforts and time and you will find a lot of .. Recommended book: "Clean Code" by Robert C. They worked together on coding a collection class; dandy. Done well, commenting is worthwhile.” That's quite different from pronouncing all comments to be failures, as did my Twitter conversationalists, and as does Robert C. Martin in his otherwise excellent and useful book, Clean Code, in which he writes: “Comments are always failures. He spoke about WebLogic's Dynamic module which uses profiles to capture collections of OSGi bundles and about virtualisation. Parts would take too much risk and work. Here in the example we have to make a collection of message objects which differ by only email address property.