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Inside the C++ Object Model book

Inside the C++ Object Model. Stanley B. Lippman

Inside the C++ Object Model

ISBN: 0201834545,9780201834543 | 182 pages | 5 Mb

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Inside the C++ Object Model Stanley B. Lippman
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Inside the C++ Object Model的内容摘要:中文版:深度探索C++对象模型Book DescriptionInside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that. In this talk He is the author of C++ Primer, 4e (2005) and Inside the C++ Object Model. C++ programmers wishing to inhabit the CLI development space until now have had to leave C++ and generally work in C# (or Java). Be sure to learn how to program in C++ using Object Oriented Programming. One excellent C++ book not mentioned in your list is "Inside C++ Object Model" by Stan Lippman. - Ability to read disassembled code. Read 'Inside the C++ Object Model' -- Stanley Lippman. I have been reading the 'inside the c++ object model' by Lippman and one of the sections has me a little confused. I was sure this would be a nice way to make my first post! Learning C++ you'll learn C, too. Anonymous said Hello I'd love to thank you for such a great made forum! - Knowledge about Windows internals, like APIs, message flow, etc.